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Past and Current Projects

We’ve loved every minute of our journey

Waste Diversion and Zero Waste Event

In 2017, SBBS organized and hosted the Beloved Community Church Green Holiday Weekend, a two-day event to educate the community about trash diversion methods and business opportunities. Workshops included topics on why and how to eliminate household waste by reducing, reusing, and recycling products; how and where to properly dispose of toxic household waste; and a panel discussion to educate participants about entrepreneurial opportunities in waste diversion. Speakers included representatives from the Prince George's Department of Environment, Community Forklift, Yuck Old Paint, The Style Illusion, Prince George's Green.

Baltimore City Energy Referral Project

In 2017, SBBS working with Interfaith Power & Light, outreached to African American churches, their congregations and residents at various community events/forums connecting them with free energy resources available in Baltimore City. Residents were referred to various programs such as home energy audits from Civic Works, energy assistance from the Fuel Fund, and solar installation training from Retrofit Baltimore and Power 52. Churches were referred for free church audits with Home Energy Advisers, home energy workshops with Interfaith Power and Light and Baltimore Energy Challenge, and renewable energy consulting from MD SUN and Groundswell.

Panel of Sustainable Business Leaders

Ban Fracking in Maryland

SBBS consulted on outreach and education with Food and Water Watch on the Don't Frack MD Coalition in 2017 to stop the dangerous environmental hazard of drilling for natural gas. We held educational sessions, attended community events, and advocacy visits with state legislators to organize the communities of Southern Prince George's and Charles Counties in Maryland to pass the fracking ban in Maryland. After presenting testimony, meeting with the State Senate President and other influential leaders in Senate and House, the fracking ban was passed in April 2017.

Green the Church in Baltimore

In October 25, 2016, SBBS worked with Interfaith Power & Light, DC MD VA to collaborate with Carroll Ministries, U.S. Green Building Council, and Green for All engaged church leaders and congregations at Green the Church Summit to educate and engage over one hundred African American faith leaders from around the country for the third annual Green the Church Summit. The summit explored and expanded the role of churches as leaders on environmental justice advocacy, energy efficiency and solar infrastructure as well as speaking out about climate change in the pulpit.

Kingdom Life Church Event

Organizing against Incineration in Maryland

In 2016, SBBS, consulting with Energy Justice Network initiated a "Don't Burn Trash in Prince George's County" campaign to inform and engage the public in the activities of the Prince George's County on this waste-to-energy (incineration) trash disposal procurement process. Working with residents, individual activists and local environmental organizations, the County was pressured to cancelled it consideration for Incineration in favor of non-combustion forms of trash disposal. Currently, we are working with the County to develop and implement a Zero Waste Plan that does not include combustion sources.

We are here to help so email us at or call us at (240)681-9994  

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